Monday, March 12, 2007

Long Live Tattooing: Photo Documentary

A year after creating the concept, I finally hunkered down with an artist and got my DC Flag Tattoo. As bizarre as the artist is, I am a satisfied customer with an enviable tattoo.

Step One: Artist arrives an hour late (so rockstar), sets up, smokes, eats, and after 45 minutes of placing and replacing the stencil on me, we're ready to go. Just as soon as he smokes another cigarette.

Step 2: Endure the first hour of tattooing, and be thankful that artist takes cigarette breaks.

Step 3: Take artsy "in-action" tattooing shot with crappy cameraphone.

Step 4: Thank the Powers that Be that you made it through the whole thing. And thank them for letting the girl that kept call you "gangster" for your composure leave before you started to lose it.

I'm very happy with the results. I look forward to seeing Yas for more,

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